Dave & Andrew’s Patterdale and Coniston Trip, October 2016

Smiffy’s Hard Rock Adventure (Cloggy but no Cloggy) 2017

October 12, 2016 Comments Off on Jim and Melanie’s Trip to the Roaches (Ilam Hall). Halloween, October 2016. Trip Reports

Jim and Melanie’s Trip to the Roaches (Ilam Hall). Halloween, October 2016.

Some arrived early… Sean et al, Tree Surgeon Dave +5 and climbed at Birchen on Friday. A good venue for all!

We flew in on Friday night to meet everyone at the hostel. A meeting of many, from many places. Drinking and conversation pursued… Saturday led to a further ‘Grand Meeting’ at the crag… The Roaches. 16 members all in all… Some climbing, some watching, some walking… All busy. 17 additional visitors, so 33 altogether. Quite a showing.

Climbing at Alpha Buttress (harder to find than you would think). Later climbs at Tower Buttress (both on the Far Skyline). Walks took some around the valley system north.  A splinter group visit to Stanage.

A main body retirement to the hostel in preparation for Halloween around about 3 pm. Further ascents on the top and lower tier for the keen. Later arrival at the hostel led to beer, wine and general debauchery.

Overall, a very successful trip and thank you for all those who gave their time and energy to let the young ones climb. Even with poor conditions, it is fair to say that the trip was very successful. You guys are great!

Enjoy the pictures,


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