September 5 - September 7

Information: The BMC Gower Festival is an annual event. Some of us have attended in the past when it was based at the Pitton Cross campsite where we’ve also stayed on club trips. The new venue is at a Scout Centre nearer to Swansea. This is a family event. Rather than bore you with loads of details, just take a look at THIS SHORT VIDEO of the 2024 event and at the BMC Gower Climbing Festival Facebook page. There will be plenty to do at the festival site, but the climbing (sport, trad and bouldering) is excellent. Tickets for the event will be available from about May and will sell out quickly.
Services: Pick up supplies on the way in past Swansea or while out in Gower during the day. Food stalls and bar available on the festival site, together with gear stalls.
Accommodation: Camping (space for tents and camper vans, though these get booked quite quickly). Other campsites available if you don’t want to stay on the festival site.
Food: Self-catering or buy at festival food stalls. Pubs and restaurants near climbing venues.
Transport: Probably cars. Nearest train station is Swansea.
Itinerary: Arrive on Friday to climb if agreed. Otherwise meet the festival site on Friday evening. Climbing on Saturday, and on Sunday for those not in a hurry to get home. Some free courses will be on offer. For example, Jim and I did a good self-rescue session on our last visit.