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Scottish Winter 2024
February 10, 2024 - February 14, 2024
Information: Join us for the annual pilgrimage North, this time to Glen Nevis and a chance to climb on the North Face of the Ben or Glen Coe… Whilst Scottish Winter is always serious, there can be options for introduction into this discipline… Get in touch with Jim early as possible as he may be able to lend out ice axes.
Services: Fort William offers all the required services including food, cash and kit…
Accommodation: Staying at SYHA Glen Nevis. At time of posting, there are still plenty of places… book early and then please let Jim know so he can organise options. Link here: https://www.hostellingscotland.org.uk/hostels/glen-nevis/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwl8anBhCFARIsAKbbpyRdPdI_vXOu-pMmLFVjcyy55KzySlZZ4V9FNOaG0l4WpyiKMYrCYIAaAs6uEALw_wcB
Food: Kitchens available at the hostel and lots of eating options in Fort William, a short drive away… One pub (with accommodation within walking distance…
Transport: Car is the best option as the hostel is a short drive to Fort William and the walk in for the Ben’s North Face routes.. Glen Coe is a drive south. Glen Nevis tends to fill up later as it is slightly less conveniently placed.
Dates: Drive up on Saturday 10th February, climb (weather and avalanche conditions permitting) Sunday, Monday and Tuesday… Drive home Wednesday 14th February…
Organiser: Jim McCall