James Buckley

Besides cragging, over the last decade or so I‘ve managed to build up my experience to include a number of Scottish Winter trips, a few Summer Alpine adventures and recently the controversial world of sport climbing.  Oh, and if conditions aren’t in you might find me walking, scrambling or cycling in the hills.  That’s not to say I haven’t had my fair share of epics, such as First Pinnacle Rib on Tryfan in a blizzard, but sometimes they are the most memorable, all 13 hours of it.

I currently climb up to the early E grades on trad but I would never turn away from a 3 star classic, whatever the grade or style of climbing.  One of my on going projects is to get all of Ken Wilson’s Classic Rock Routes ticked with 57 done I have now started to explore the delights of Hard Rock and even have a tick in Extreme rock!  If you’re just starting out or want to know about climbs in a certain area I’m sure I’d be able to point out a line you’d enjoy, unless its Peak Limestone which I haven’t got a clue about… yet!

Favourite Scramble: Cuillin Ridge (Isle of Skye) if you can call it a scramble!
Favourite Rock Climb: Pendulum Chimney  (Chair Ladder)
Favourite Winter Climb: Glover’s Chimney (Ben Nevis)
Favourite Alpine Route: Cosmique Arete (Monte Blanc Massif)
