Jim met up with Etienne, newly arrived from Africa, via Cardiff, and Jake, in Somerset, before an early morning drive to the Tors. Altogether, 8 Club members, 1 team photographer and 43 ponies met up at Hay Tor and got a healthy number of routes in. Lunch took us to a café (I was surprised too!) and then onto Hound Tor for more trad. Special mention must go to Jake who completed his first trad lead above VD with a flawless ascent of Suspension Flake VS 4C at Hounds Tor… all very impressive. Hounds Tor provided some really good end of the day bouldering and has more than enough to go at to promise another trip. The Tors are beautiful and the climbing is accessible at all grades. The walk-ins are short and the ponies are friendly… (not like that!).
Dinner in a local pub and whilst some went off to their AirB&B… others took to a wild camp.
Coffee and short drive took us to the Dewerstone. This is accessed by a pleasant walk through the woods and gives a good few options… Etienne and Jake ticked what should be the classic line of the crag with Central Groove HS 4B. Everyone avoided the Classic Rock route which looked like it had seen better days… maybe next time?
A great trip and plenty more venues to discover… so look out for a return to the Tors!
Hope you enjoy the pictures,

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